SKALE Ambassador Community Spotlights: November Recap | SKALE

Welcome back to SKALE’s Ambassador Community Spotlight! This series provides an overview of events SKALE’s Ambassadors host throughout each month. For November, we kicked off our first-ever ambassador-hosted community AMA series. Let’s dive into some of the best moments from this month and learn how ambassadors are taking the initiative to educate their communities about SKALE.
SKALE Sri Lanka: Community AMA series with Crypto Colosseum

SKALE Sri Lanka Ambassador, Dilip, kicked off our first-ever Ambassador-hosted Community Telegram AMA Series with Crypto Colosseum, one of the Community’s top favorite gaming projects currently building on SKALE! SKALE Sri Lankan community members had opportunities to send in their questions ahead of time and live chances to get those questions answered! Not only did the Sri Lanka community see overall growth in its channels and high participation rates, but those who participated in this AMA could also redeem a special collectible surprise from Crypto Colosseum. Read more about the recap here!

SKALE Poland: St. Andrews’ Day
SKALE’s Polish Ambassador, Andrzej, organized and hosted a cultural event celebration, Andrzejki, for St. Andrew’s Day. Andrzejki is Polish a celebration that takes place on the night of November 29th. It is a day on which people traditionally perform divinations to find out what the coming year holds for them. Andrzejki is associated with the feast of Saint Andrew, whose liturgical memorial falls on November 30th. In some parts of Poland, Andrzejki also allows organizing parties and events, during which various divination games and activities are performed.
To celebrate this in a web3 style, Andrzej taught his Polish community how to stake their SKL tokens through interactive activities and games on all social media platforms! He took the time to prepare a Medium article, curate informative Twitter threads, and record a video announcing the challenge. Those who won the challenges were eligible to receive a small prize!

IRL Meet and Learn about SKALE at Far Eastern Federal University

SKALE’s Ambassador, Evgeny, visited his local university, Far Eastern Federal University, and spent time educating local college students about SKALE and web3-related topics! At the end of this informative workshop, a handful of eager-to-learn attendees raised thoughtful questions, expressed their interest in SKALE’s technology, and wanted to know where they could go to find out more information! It’s safe to say that Evgeny went above and beyond in helping these students understand what SKALE and blockchain technology is all about. Kudos!

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SKALE is an Ethereum native, modular blockchain network composed of high-throughput, low-latency blockchains that are optimized for Web3 user experience. SKALE chains offer zero gas fees to end-users and have advanced features such as on-chain file storage, interchain messaging, zero-cost minting, ML/AI smart contracts, and enhanced security features.
The SKALE network enables developers to deploy their own EVM blockchain in minutes without sacrificing speed, security, or decentralization. Welcome to the SKALEverse.