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January 28, 2021

SKALE + Braintrust | SKALE

Marcos Sanchez
Head of Communications

It’s not news that Defi will continue to dominate into 2021, but we think the ownership economy is going to be a huge category as we go into 2022. Jessie Walden, A16Z alum recently wrote about the ownership economy and how it’s driving “a new generation of platforms that thrive on contributions from a permissionless and global talent pool”. We think that one of the most exciting use cases in this space comes from Braintrust, the next Dapp in our use case marathon. Their clients already include massive brands like Nestle, Deloitte, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Taskrabbit and more.  Their talent marketplace is already processing millions of dollars of transactions (clients hiring talent) and has only been live for a year, and in invite-only private beta!

Braintrust believes there’s a better way to think about work, a model that benefits both enterprises and talent alike. They’ve created a user-controlled talent network on the basis that marketplaces should be owned and controlled by the people who make their living / rely on them rather than just investors.  Their core belief is that “User Controlled Marketplaces will Grow Faster and Become More Valuable than Investor Controlled Marketplaces”.

Transactions should be transparent, incentives should be aligned, and the huge percentages that used to be taken by middlemen should be a thing of the past. That means talent keeps the value they create, organizations get access to the top-tier talent they need while making their budgets go much further, and everybody wins.


SKALE is an excellent solution for Braintrust because it addresses the high cost and congestion issues that are plaguing Ethereum and dramatically lowers spend on gas fees. It also ensures that transactions are handled quickly and efficiently, and not constantly subject to the ups and downs of mainnet activities.

Dapp category? Talent Network

What SKALE features are Braintrust utilizing?

Braintrust will utilize SKALE chains to lower gas costs, speed up transactions throughput and get faster commit times. Additionally, they are looking to take advantage of using the SKALE Network’s robust security model.

What Braintrust is saying about SKALE:

"Enabling a network of top talent to control their platform is critical to the success of our new network model. That means selecting infrastructure solutions that allow us to create a fully decentralized community that is secure, able to scale and bring our soaring Ethereum gas costs down. By using SKALE and Ethereum together, we’re able to leverage all of Ethereum’s strengths, while mitigating its weaknesses through our own Dapp specific SKALE Chain. This is a big step in helping to establish the ownership economy of the future and democratize businesses in Web3.0." Adam Jackson, CEO Braintrust.

Learn more about the project:

Web | Twitter

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