Swell is Now LIVE! Ride The Wave, Win Rewards.


May 17, 2019


Christine Perry
VP Solutions Engineering

Hello, Everyone!

It is with great pride that SKALE is able to sponsor ETHNewYork hackathon and provide six bounties to dApps deployed on SKALE or using SKALE’s decentralized storage. SKALE is awarding the best teams with one of the five 500 Dai bounties and one 1000 Dai bounty! SKALE core team will be available for hacker support at the booth, and non-stop at the Discord channel.

With 20% of all submissions successfully deployed on SKALE at ETHParis (our last hackathon), we are more excited than ever to continue our support for the ETHNewYork community and all of the innovative hacks that you all will be building this weekend! And with all the brilliant minds that New York Blockchain Week has brought together, we can’t imagine the incredible dApps people are going to be hacking together!

What is SKALE?

SKALE is a second-layer scaling solution for Ethereum which leverages an Network of configurable high-performance chains, called SKALE Chains, that each run a modified version of the EVM (SKALE EVM). Improvements added to the EVM allow decentralized storage (of files up to 100MB), subsecond blocktimes (due to improved PoS BFT Consensus), and greater computation ability (permitting the deployment of much more powerful smart contracts) - all while staying completely decentralized.

SKALE is compatible with your existing toolsets (Web3.js, Truffle, Metamask, etc…) - anything that you already use with Ethereum, you can use with SKALE (this includes all existing solidity smart contracts) - the only thing you need to do is write a few lines of code to deploy to it.

How SKALE Works

We can all agree that Ethereum is decentralized and secure. The main holdup for Ethereum is scalability - this is due to the fact that all nodes in the network have to execute every transaction on the network. So, how can get get the same security and decentralization with greater scalability?

This is exactly what SKALE Chains were created to address. SKALE Chains are created from a randomized subset of nodes in the network which are regularly shuffled between SKALE Chains - giving each SKALE Chain the pooled security of all nodes in the network without needing all of them to replicate all transactions across the network. And if a node is proven to be acting maliciously, the whistleblowing node reporting it will be rewarded and the offending node will have their stake of SKL tokens slashed - creating an incentivized self-policing network!

So, now that you know a bit more about SKALE, what are you waiting for???

Adding SKALE to Your dApp

Integrating SKALE is just a matter of getting an endpoint from our Discord and updating your truffle deployment scripts. It takes just 45 seconds to deploy your SKALE Chain, and once you’ve deployed to it, you’ll be using the SKALE EVM - a modified Ethereum Virtual Machine which provides developers with the ability to:

  • Deploy much more powerful smart contracts due to large block sizes.
  • Store files up to 100MB using precompiled smart contracts.
  • Execute transactions at 100x the speed of the Ethereum mainnet.

It’s that simple! We don’t ask you to learn anything new - just change your deployment endpoint and get buidling! For more information on getting started, check out this ‘Getting Started with SKALE’ article.

Tomorrow, we’ll be releasing SKALE Storage as well as a getting started guide! So, make sure to check our blog for updates.

Judging Criteria

Every submission will be judged on the following three criteria:

  • Great use case.
  • Usage of SKALE.
  • User experience.

With all the incredible submissions we saw at ETHParis, we can’t anticipate the amazing use cases we’ll see this coming weekend! And we anticipate that developers building on SKALE will be able to much more effectively deliver cool dApps given the improvements that ship with the SKALE EVM. As long as you focus on building something awesome, you’ve got a great chance at one of our bounties!

dApp Ideas

Don’t know what to build, yet? Here are a few ideas...

Microtransactions - The Jamie Dimon Alarm Clock

Have trouble waking up? Do you find yourself pressing snooze over and over? Well, with the Jamie Dimon Alarm Clock, every snooze is your money in his pocket.

Users set up their alarm by escrowing money on Ethereum, configuring their timezone, specifying how many days they want the alarm to repeat for before they are able to withdraw their money, and setting the time of the alarm as well as the amount they lose for every time that they snooze the alarm.

Computation - Sorting Microservice

Have you ever tried to sort an array in Ethereum? I bet you haven’t and instead used a queue or just worked with unordered data — referencing everything by an address as a means of saving gas.

While a decentralized sorting service many seem basic, such a service would be incredibly useful for developers who could use it in their dApps to sort their data and mitigate some of the compromises being made in smart contracts to fit the gas usage of each block.

See you at ETHNewYork!

If you are interested in trying out SKALE, make sure to join the SKALE community on Discord and check out the Developer Documentation! Also, feel free to also check out SKALE’s Technical Overview and Consensus Overview for a deeper dive into how SKALE works and is able to provide 20,000 TPS.

SKALE’s mission is to make it quick and easy to set up a cost-effective, high-performance blockchain that runs full-state smart contracts. We aim to deliver a performant experience to developers that offers speed and functionality without giving up security or decentralization. Follow us here on Telegram, Twitter, Discord, and sign up for updates via this form on the SKALE website.

Build on SKALE

The SKALE Innovator Program for developers includes grants, consulting, Marketing & PR, engineering support, QA support, and investor introductions.

Apply to the Innovator Program