3,2,1 Blast Off! SKALE Mainnet is live. | SKALE

I’m happy to announce today that the SKALE Mainnet is live. After over 2 and a half years of hard work, the network, smart contracts and an initial set of nodes are up and running! We're excited for more nodes to join the network as early as tomorrow with more contract upgrades to come.
We could not have gotten to this point without such an amazing team, community, and supporters. It has been a journey and has not been easy, but hard things never are easy. The best thing about a network launch is that it marks not the end, but the end of the beginning.
This is just one step in a series of important steps, however, it is an absolutely critical milestone.
The SKALE Network lives both on the Ethereum Mainnet and on SKALE Network nodes. SKALE Network node endpoints will be published soon for block exploration and visibility.
As a way of celebrating I put together some interesting numbers to look at:
939 The number of days since Stan and I started working on SKALE in 2017.
35 The number of repositories in the SKALE Network Github
93,750 Estimated number of engineering hours put into thinking, calculating, and coding up the SKALE Network. BTW - This does not include any non-engineering team hours :)
$1.57 The USD peg price of the most recent Ethereum transaction I completed. SKALE pricing supports Ethereum by giving dApps their own blockchain with a charge for amount of server space over a period of time rather than by transaction. So on SKALE it will be thousands of times less expensive to run transactions while not losing sync with Ethereum.
0 The amount of tokens liquid for SAFT purchasers and the core team at network launch and past the Proof of Use Period. SAFT purchasers have locks from 6-36 months that commence at Network Launch. The core team has lockups of 12 months with a total vesting period of 36 to 48 months all commencing at Network Launch. By making the commencement date on the lockup and vesting schedules commence at Mainnet Phase 2, the incentives are aligned across all network participants.
48 The number of dApps signed up in the SKALE Innovator Program. In addition there are over 100 dApps at some point in the pipeline. We are absolutely dedicated to supporting dApp developers. Please get in touch with the SKALE Solutions Engineering team if you have questions.
25 The number of Validators who participated in onboarding, training, TestNet, and have completed qualifications to run in the Phase 1 and 2 Mainnet. BTW - this list will grow significantly. If you are interested in running in future TestNets and the Mainnet please get in touch.
So what’s next?
This is just the first of Three Network Launch Phases. The SKL Token will also launch in novel manner optimizing for Network Health via Proof of Use launch through the ConsenSys Activate Platform.
You can read up on the Mainnet launch phases in this post I wrote earlier this month. The TL/DR is here:
Phase 1: A restricted Mainnet that does not have staking or transfers enabled. Live on June 30th.
Phase 2: A Proof of Use Mainnet with staking and bounty enabled, but transfers and exchange listings not active for a 90 Day period. Target early Q3. ConsenSys will announce the date their platform will be ready which is required for Phase 2.
Phase 3: Restrictions come off the network and unlocked tokens can be transferred. This will be 90 days after the Phase 2 Launch.
Congrats again to the SKALE team and community for launching Mainnet! Thanks again to all of you for your support and contribution.
This community has a lot of hard work, challenges, and great accomplishments ahead. The momentum is strong!