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SKALE Network Security & Vulnerability 

The SKALE Network appreciates any effort to discover and disclose security vulnerabilities responsibly.

If you would like to report a vulnerability in one of SKALE Network's products or have any security concerns with SKALE Network software, please e-mail security@skalelabs.com.

For non-critical matters, please open a ticket with the appropriate product. In order to best investigate your request, please include any of the following when reporting: 

• Proof of concept
• Any tools, including versions used
• Tool output
The community takes disclosures very seriously and will rapidly respond and verify the vulnerability before taking the necessary steps to fix it. After the initial reply to a disclosure, which should be directly after receiving it, the security team will periodically update you with the status of the fix. 

To report an issue using PGP-encrypted email, the security team pubkey fingerprint is:231A E72B 369B

curl https://keybase.io/skalenetwork/pgp_keys.asc | gpg--import