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July 19, 2022

SKALE, Paper, Scissors - An ETHCC IRL Blockchain Game Experience | SKALE

Marcos Sanchez
Head of Communications

Known by many names across the centuries, shoushiling in China, sansukumi-ken in Japan, Chi-fou-mi in France, Rock, paper, scissors in the US or Roshambo in California, it remains the consummate decider of who goes first, who gets to ride shotgun or even who gets the first cup of coffee! Age is of no matter, it is as timeless as stars and is a simultaneous, zero-sum game, with three possible outcomes: draw, win or lose.

So it made perfect sense to SKALE community members Andrew Holz, TheGreatAxios, and Topper Bowers that they should rethink this timeless classic and not only bring it to blockchain (via SKALE of course) but add their own unique twists and make it an IRL experience. So, if you happen to be at ETHCC Paris (July 19 - 24), you'll get to experience SKALE, Paper, Scissors for yourself!

It wouldn't be a blockchain game without NFTs and prizes. You'll need to connect your wallet, find a Key Master (keep an eye out for SKALE core team members Fabio and Ryan, plus a few other secret key masters), then roshambo away with your fellow ETHCC peeps who've also joined the club.

Gameplay is similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors but with lots more items to win. You initially start the game with 3 NFTs randomly selected from the first tier of items. Level up by playing other folks, collect their NFTs by beating them. You have to attain all of the NFTs in a tier to unlock the next tier. To win, you'll want to be the first to collect all of the NFTs.  There's even $2,022 in prizes to win!

What are the rules? It's simple there is one of 4 possible outcomes:

  • WIN - Your item beats your opponent's item.
  • LOSE - Your opponent's item beats your item.
  • DRAW - Both people played the same item, resulting in a draw.
  • PLAYOFF - Playoffs result in a 50/50 (onchain randomness) decision of the winner. The same two items each time could result in a different outcome every time.

As with all things SKALE, there are no gas costs to play. Players will be provided with free sFUEL when they are enrolled by a Key Master. Should more sFUEL be needed, a station will be available during the conference located at MyLilius.com.

Give in to your inner (competitive) child and find a Key Master today! (Hint, they'll definitely be at the join Curio/SKALE event, and also be wandering around the conference).


SKALE is an Ethereum native multi-chain network composed of an unlimited number of secure, decentralized, high-performance blockchains for bringing NFTs, DeFi, and Web3 to billions of users. SKALE’s highly configurable platform was built to support an ever-expanding set of Dapp-specific chains that run without centralized dependencies. Plus, SKALE’s unique pooled security system and containerized node architecture enable developers to deliver a high-speed, seamless user experience without gas fees or latency.

SKALE’s open-source platform provides quick consensus with fast block times and instant finality and includes EVM compatibility, on-chain NFT file storage, rollup contract execution, zero-cost minting, and gasless transactions, and machine learning smart contract functionality. The SKALE Network is an open source project with many contributors including SKALE Labs, Inc. headquartered in San Francisco, CA.

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