$150,000+ in SKL Rewards Now Live on SushiSwap!


March 12, 2021

SKALE in 2021 | SKALE

Marcos Sanchez
Head of Communications


  • $SKL reaches the top 10 crypto assets by staked value
  • $SKL is listed on Coinbase Pro, Coinbase, CoinList, Crypto.com, MetaMask Swap and support on Coinbase Custody.
  • 19 new Dapps and Partners are announced for the Use Case Marathon
  • 2021 SKALE Product Roadmap released
  • 3 AMAs and 5 podcasts
  • SKALE Telegram channel is now in 16 languages

Top 10 crypto asset by staked value

It's been an incredible year for everyone in the community.  Not only has $SKL been doing well, but the SKALE Network has been performing and the core team has been delivering.  What's even more exciting is as of this writing, SKALE Network, which is both open source and community owned, is in the top 10 (#9) crypto assets by staked value on Staking Rewards. That means there are only 8 other projects with more staked value in the world. We're talking major projects like ETH2, Polkadot, Cardano and avalanche. Amazing to see that level of support and decentralization.

The world's top exchanges support trading $SKL

It's no small matter to be listed on the top exchanges, they are in a different league and their reach is global. The token unlock already showed the level of interest when Binance and Huobi chose to list $SKL. With the commitment to decentralization, Uniswap was also a must. These last 60 days took it to the next level with announcements for listings on Coinbase Pro, Coinbase, CoinList, Crypto.com, MetaMask Swap, not to mention support for $SKL in Coinbase Custody (used by large institutions). A recent search on CoinMarketCap shows no less than 22 different exchanges that are actively trading $SKL. That's serious global impact and growth.

Use case and Dapp/Partner marathon

As an infrastructure technology, it's important to show cutting edge approaches and enterprise grade capabilities. However, what's more important is to show the Dapps and partners that are doing amazing things using SKALE.  The SKALE Innovator Program has nearly 100 dapps and over the last month or so, we wanted to highlight some of the most interesting projects that represent a cross section of key use cases that will drive blockchain and Ethereum adoption over the coming years. Between Dapps and Partners, we showcased 19 different companies.

A quick highlight of just a few of these include:

  • Chainlink: SKALE developers now have access to Chainlink ($LINK), the widely used and market-leading decentralized oracle network, via API integration.
  • Minds: With over 4 Million registered users, Minds is already offering a fast growing censorship, decentralized social media platform, now it's coming to SKALE.
  • MetaMask: Not only are developers now able to use the MetMask API to offer SKALE as a recommended option for MetaMask users connected to their Dapp. MetaMask users can use the built in Swap feature to search multiple DEX/CEXs and swap SKL directly from their wallet.
  • HumanProtocol: Already used by 10 percent of the internet and 10 percent of the crypto-community, with it's well known HCaptcha product, Human Protocol will be migrating their labor pools over to SKALE chains in the coming weeks.
  • BrainTrust: With a talent marketplace that is already processing millions of dollars of transactions (clients hiring talent) and clients like Nestle and Deloitte, this represents a huge opportunity that is already gaining traction. The ownership economy is going to be a huge category as we go into 2022. BrainTrust is excited to use SKALE.
  • CryptoCrusades: Games are an $81 Billion market that will be big in blockchain. CryptoCrusades did something incredibly unique by creating the first fully on-chain game. All aspects of the complex and in-depth gameplay are decentralized and on chain utilizing smart contracts. Soon to utilize SKALE.
  • For more amazing Dapps and partners, read through our blog.

2021 Product Roadmap

Transparency with the community is incredibly important. With an open source and distributed/community owned network, it's a requirement.  To that end the Code & Dapps updates are regularly posted on youtube. As SKALE is open source, you can at any time see a summary of the core team's monthly work on github. Another important resource is the 2021 product roadmap, which lays out the core team's development vision for SKALE.  Again, please remember this is open source, so everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate and contribute. This is your network as much as it is ours.

3 AMAs 5 Podcasts

Amidst all the over work, we can't forget getting the word out is important. We want to encourage all of you to join all of our social media channels, and whenever possible amplify the SKALE message with retweets, reposts, shares, likes and messages of your own. Below is a list of the recent AMAs and podcasts, listen and come to your own conclusions. Also, help spread the word.

We also keep our "in the news" section updated regularly for any news items that include SKALE, so please refer to it often.

SKALE Telegram channels now in 16 languages

Lastly, making SKALE a worldwide phenomenon means speaking peoples language. To that end, we have announced ambassador run SKALE telegram channels in 16 languages! Please join, and tell your friends to join too.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and welcome to the SKALE community!

Build on SKALE

The SKALE Innovator Program for developers includes grants, consulting, Marketing & PR, engineering support, QA support, and investor introductions.

Apply to the Innovator Program