SKALE + Human Protocol | SKALE
Many people may recognize HUMAN Protocol’s first application, hCaptcha, which is actively being used by thousands of different websites, including the Canadian government, Rakuten, Gartner, Craigslist and most blockchain exchanges to ensure they are receiving genuine human traffic and engagement. HUMAN Protocol, is a decentralized solution for organizing, evaluating and compensating businesses and individuals for performing Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs). The protocol is currently used by 10 percent of the internet and 10 percent of the crypto-community and is overseen by the HUMAN Protocol Foundation, an ecosystem of industry stakeholders who share its vision of creating a more ethical, private, and secure internet.
We're incredibly honored to announce that SKALE Network has been chosen by Human Protocol to take part in their bakeoff where they will migrate their labor pools onto SKALE Chains. They will be closely monitoring the performance, speed, privacy and other factors . Results of the #bakeoff will be posted on the official #HUMANProtocol Wiki page here.