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September 29, 2022

Announcing ETHOnline Winners! | SKALE

Sydney Jacobs
Content and Comms Manager

ETHGlobal’s biggest event, ETHOnline is officially over! A special thanks to all the teams that participated and showcased their projects. There were over 24 teams that participated and we are pleased to announce the SKALE prize winners! 

🥇 $5,000 in SKL - Grand Prize

Awarded for the best use of SKALE with opportunities for follow-up investments and further grants

WINNER: SendCrypto


SendCrypto is an easy way to send or request cryptocurrency payments. It's like a web3 version of PayPal.me

🎮 $8,000 in SKL - Metaverse, Gaming, NFTs Prizes

WINNERS: Comma, TimelyTask, Decentralized Job Board, NFTicket


Comma: Fun challenging mind games platforms. Currently only have Suduku and might add more in future.

TimelyTask: A decentralized task bounty system with a novel system of public sourcing and executing tasks/bounties.

Decentralized Job Board: A decentralized job board leveraging web3 tools to ensure security & privacy; giving communities a gated space for private job postings.

NFTicket: NFTicket ticket is a solution to the ticket touting problem by creating NFT versions of the ticket per game to create a decentalized control over how tickets are managed and distributed, while keeping public track of who buys each ticket.

🤝 $2,000 in SKL - Partner Integration Prizes

For teams integrating SKALE plus an ecosystem partner - ie Connext + SKALE or The Graph + SKALE. 

WINNERS: Telescope, NFTicket


Telescope: Telescope is a cross-chain Transaction Explorer built to provide an enhanced user experience understanding the movement of funds on-chain.

NFTicket: NFTicket ticket is a solution to the ticket touting problem by creating NFT versions of the ticket per game to create a decentalized control over how tickets are managed and distributed, while keeping public track of who buys each ticket.

🏊 $5,000 in SKL - Prize pool

divided among all teams that launch any product on SKALE

WINNERS: Telescope, NFTicket, SendCrypto, Decentralized Job Board, Timely Tasks, Comma, Yocci, PetsFundMe, Rockgage, Digital Coupon NFT, Meta Maze 


Telescope: Telescope is a cross-chain Transaction Explorer built to provide an enhanced user experience understanding the movement of funds on-chain.

NFTicket: NFTicket ticket is a solution to the ticket touting problem by creating NFT versions of the ticket per game to create a decentalized control over how tickets are managed and distributed, while keeping public track of who buys each ticket.

SendCrypto: SendCrypto is an easy way to send or request cryptocurrency payments. It's like a web3 version of PayPal.me

Decentralized Job Board: A decentralized job board leveraging web3 tools to ensure security & privacy; giving communities a gated space for private job postings.

Timely Tasks: A decentralized task bounty system with a novel system of public sourcing and executing tasks/bounties

Comma: Fun challenging mind games platforms. Currently, only have Suduku and might add more in future.

Yocci: Yooci is a blockchain application that utilizes Nfts to store health records that are only accessible to the owner or organizations given access to by the user.

PetsFundMe: PetsFundMe is a social app built by the community for everyone who supports pets. PetsFundMe is an NFT platform where pet owners and pet lovers come together and help each other to solve their pet's needs from expensive surgeries to food supplies or free.

Rockgage: A platform and marketplace for rock-solid mortgage-backed tokenized assets.

Digital Coupon NFT: A Dapp that allows business owners to create product offers and incentivize sharing.

Meta Maze: Meta maze is metaverse game where players can create their own maze puzzle and mint as NFT, DeFi coin store and that maze can be played by player OR other online player.

Thank you to all of our teams and congratulations to all the winners! 

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Documentation on deploying a Dapp to SKALE, can be found in the Developer Portal
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SKALE is an Ethereum native, modular blockchain network composed of high-throughput, low-latency blockchains that are optimized for Web3 user experience. SKALE chains offer zero gas fees to end-users and have advanced features such as on-chain file storage, interchain messaging, zero-cost minting, ML/AI smart contracts, and enhanced security features.

The SKALE network enables developers to deploy their own EVM blockchain in minutes without sacrificing speed, security, or decentralization. Welcome to the SKALEverse.

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The SKALE Innovator Program for developers includes grants, consulting, Marketing & PR, engineering support, QA support, and investor introductions.

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