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October 1, 2022

A Look Back – Celebrating SKALE’s 2nd Birthday! | SKALE

Sydney Jacobs
Content and Comms Manager

SKALE turns two! There have been so many significant milestones and accomplishments in the SKALE ecosystem that we would like to take a moment to reflect back on. Not only does it show huge potential for what is to come, but we would not be where we are today without the support of the SKALEverse community!

Year founded 2017

SKALE was co-founded in 2017 by Jack O’Holleran and Stan Kladko. Jack and Stan had rich entrepreneurial histories, having founded and worked on tech startups in Silicon Valley, each with successful exits. Having seen the enormous potential of blockchain and crypto, Jack and Stan began working on separate projects, Jack a dapp and Stan a decentralized exchange. In early talks with notable Silicon Valley venture capitalists, one, in particular, saw the excitement and passion that Jack and Stan had for the space and suggested that they meet. In talking about their respective ideas, they realized that each of them had a similar problem, they foresaw that blockchain would have a scaling problem if it wanted to reach the mass consumer market, and it needed fixing. Realizing the vast opportunity, they decided to work jointly on creating a scaling solution that would leverage the enormous developer community of Ethereum. So SKALE was born. 

Token launch - August 2020 

With an eye toward compliance, SKALE’s ERC-777 (ERC 20 compatible) token was launched using Activate, by ConsenSys Codefi, the first platform designed to establish decentralized networks and allow customers to purchase, manage, and use their tokens — all in one application. Activate, announced in October 2019, set the standard for the purchase, distribution, and use of utility tokens to bootstrap early-stage network utilization. Not only did Activate comply with KYC/AML standards, but it also ensured that participants couldn’t simply flip tokens for passive speculative purposes but rather required them to use their tokens for their intended purpose. 

SKALE Mainnet Launch - October 2020

SKALE’s decentralized Mainnet goes live with over $80 million USD in total value locked from over 4,000 users spread across 90 countries globally. SKALE enables developers to deploy their own EVM blockchain in minutes with enhanced performance without sacrificing security or decentralization. By easing traffic and lowering transaction costs dramatically, developers can bring Dapps to market that live up to the high demands of consumers.

SKALE chains are live - March 2021 

With hardwork and dedication the SKALE Validator Community, the SKALE Core Team, and open source contributors were able to bring the first SKALE chain to life! It is the first blockchain ever created by another blockchain. The SKALE Network is Ethereum Native, which means certain critical network functions live on Ethereum. One of those functions is SKALE Chain creation. What this means is that the Ethereum Network actually created a blockchain on the SKALE Network.

IMA Bridge - July 2021

The SKALE IMA bridge proved that security, transfer speed, preservation of custody, cost efficiency, and customization did not need to be compromised. It makes use of BLS cryptography, Ethereum mainnet smart contracts, PoS consensus, and other unique aspects of its design. This bridge lets developers and users safely and economically transfer digital assets between the Ethereum mainnet and any SKALE Chain. 

First dapp launched - Sept 2021

SKALE launched it’s first dApp – Covey.io, a dApp that enables analysts to share portfolio analytics across multiple communities and also collates equities trade-level, or ‘alpha capture’ data, that helps hedge funds and investment institutions to optimize their trading strategies.

V2 Launch - June 2022

The SKALE V2 rollout is an evolution from a network of siloed L2 chains to a high performance modular L1/L2 hybrid network of scalable interconnected blockchains. That means SKALE is not a single blockchain, but a network of many blockchains all creating a dynamic interconnected community of dapps that will organically grow and work together! SKALE V2 lets people utilize Ethereum generated tokens and enables Dapps to mint ERC Tokens/ NFTs at zero cost directly on SKALE. Dapps and projects can build out rich experiences and offerings right from within the SKALE ecosystem!

Hit 1M transactions in a single week - Sept 2022

And that number is climbing drastically as we continue to onboard more dapps. SKALE also released its stats page which allows community members to get real-time hourly updates that aggregates data across all of the SKALE chains. Check out our stats page here to see the latest numbers! 

And much more to come!

Announcing a Art Competition to Celebrate SKALE’s 2nd Birthday

Since we love hearing from the community, we are kicking off a friendly competition to celebrate SKALE’s 2nd Birthday! 

The best artwork using the provided assets wins:

1st Place: 15k SKL tokens 

2nd Place: 10k SKL tokens

3rd Place: 5k SKL tokens 

The winning art piece will become available to mint/claim as NFT!

Here’s how to enter:

Step 1: There are two SKALEverse planet assets available for download - download these files here.

Step 2: Get creative! Make a graphic or piece of digital art using these SKALEverse planet assets! It can be a video, graphic, digital painting, anything goes! The only requirement is to include the SKALEverse assets. 

Step 3: Submit your artwork by uploading the file for your creative to the Gleam

Be sure to share your art on twitter with the hashtag #SKALEturns2 

Submissions will be reviewed by the SKALE core team, and a winner will be announced shortly after the contest ends! 

For more information on SKALE
SKALE Website
Join Discord
Documentation on deploying a Dapp to SKALE, can be found in the Developer Portal
Click here to learn more about SKALE $SKL token


SKALE is an Ethereum native, modular blockchain network composed of high-throughput, low-latency blockchains that are optimized for Web3 user experience. SKALE chains offer zero gas fees to end-users and have advanced features such as on-chain file storage, interchain messaging, zero-cost minting, ML/AI smart contracts, and enhanced security features.

The SKALE network enables developers to deploy their own EVM blockchain in minutes without sacrificing speed, security, or decentralization. Welcome to the SKALEverse.

Build on SKALE

The SKALE Innovator Program for developers includes grants, consulting, Marketing & PR, engineering support, QA support, and investor introductions.

Apply to the Innovator Program