$2 Million in SKL Grants for Indie Game Developers

Build Invisible Blockchain Experiences

No Blockchain
Experience Necessary!

SKALE has a dedicated support team and partners to implement blockchain elements as well as meet distribution and fundraising goals. Join the blockchain purposefully built to provide an invisible experience for gamers.
SKALE is the only blockchain that has partnered with Unity for the Unity Publisher Program and has more games with more users than any other blockchain in the space. SKALE is the home of blockchain-based gaming.  

Who Should Apply?

SKALE’s Indie Developer Grant Program is open to projects at any stage of development, with a vision for blockchain integration, potential for community engagement, and a committed team ready to elevate their gaming experience with SKALE.

Indie Game 

If you’re an independent developer with a unique game concept and are curious about how blockchain can aid in your growth and distribution, this is the opportunity for you.


Established studios looking to infuse existing titles with blockchain features or develop new blockchain-based games. 

Web2 to Web3 Transitioners

Projects rooted in traditional gaming aim to leverage blockchain for features like digital ownership and decentralized assets. 

Web3 Native Games

Games built with a blockchain-first approach seeking to improve performance, reduce costs, or scale up will find SKALE's infrastructure supportive.

Why SKALE for Gaming?

Choosing SKALE as the infrastructure for your gaming project means tapping into a network designed for high performance, usability, and scalability through zero gas fees. SKALE is the proven fastest blockchain and consistently ranks as the top active gaming chain based on rankings provided by Dappradar.

Leading Gaming Chain with over 231K daily active GameFi wallets
The only blockchain partner in Unity's Publisher Support Program
Proven blockchain with over 1 Billion transactions and counting

Trusted by Developers, Creators,
and Builders Globally

Let's Build the Next Era of Gaming Together

SKALE is committed to the future of gaming on the blockchain, and we’re excited to partner with visionaries such as Sequence, Crossmint, and Thirdweb, who are ready to embark on this journey.