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Create Invisible
Web3 Experiences

SKALE is the only network that can reliably serve millions of users. It’s unique multi-chain architecture solves blockchains biggest problems, and ensures scalability, performance, security, user experience, and predictable pricing under the heaviest enterprise demands.

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Skale High-performing blockchain
Fixed pricing lets you accurately forecast OPEX
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Rated the world's fastest blockchain network
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Security first - pooled
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Consumer-grade user experience with no gas fees and seamless onboarding
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Infinitely scalabale, serve millions of users and
billions of transactions
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The SKALE Network

Transactions, and Counting

450 Million


Saved in Gas Fees

8 Million+

Active Users (last 30 days)

Rated the World’s Fastest Blockchain

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Exorde Achieves the Previously Impossible on SKALE

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"SKALE is perfect for a high-tps and a low latency dapp like Exorde. We are making millions of transactions per day. Our data-related use cases need low latency to come close to real-time processing. SKALE is our execution layer, allowing us to abstract technicalities like gas from our user experience while still being secured by Ethereum. Overall, a dedicated high-performance chain is perfect for our data-related operations."
Exorde CEO/Co-Founder
Terence Gras
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Build your Dapp on the world's fastest blockchain network

Start Testing Now
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